Submit a Nomination

BCRHOF Call For Individual Nominations

The BC Restaurant & Foodservices Association (BCRFA) will recognize outstanding individuals from British Columbia’s hospitality industry at the annual BC Restaurant Hall of Fame gala evening October 1.

Nominations will be accepted in the following categories:

  • Active Restaurateur Award
  • Supplier Award
  • Friend of the Industry Award
  • Local Champion
  • Leading Employer
  • Industry Award
    1. Front of house
    2. Back of house

For more information on our categories, please see our Nominations page.

How do I nominate someone?

  • Ensure the nominee meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Complete and submit the nomination form below.
  • Outline how the nominee fulfills the criteria for the award including details about their career path.

Award criteria

All nominees must have attained a high level of excellence and brought honour to British Columbia’s hospitality industry through ongoing dedication to the development of the industry. The candidate must exemplify good character and dedication, and provide inspiration to present and future generations.

To nominate a BC Restaurant Hall of Fame inductee please fill out the form below. (*) indicates required fields.

Your Nominee:

Who would you like to nominate for induction into the 2018 BC Restaurant Hall of Fame?

Nominee Name:*
Nominee Company:*
Nominee Title:*

How long has the nominee worked in restaurant/foodservice?  
Which category are you recommending this individual for?

Active Restaurateur
Friend of the Industry
Supplier Award
Local Champion
Leading Employer
Front of House
Back of House

Business Address:
Business City:
Business Phone Number:*
Nominee Email:
Mobile Number:

Why would you like to see them enter into the BC Restaurant Hall of Fame?  


Tell us about yourself:

Your Name:*
Your Company:
Phone Number:*
Your Email:*
Your Mobile Number:

Are you a member of the BCRFA?   Yes No
Have you attended a previous BC Restaurant Hall of Fame Dinner?   Yes No
Would you like to be contacted about buying tickets for the Hall of Fame dinner?   Yes No